Saturday, October 13, 2018

Round 1 Uni - 132 Almond Rd

Well here is Ketrina McClelland, Yazibell's sister.  And she is with a human guy...Royce Strickland.  Let's get the low down on them.

First of all, are they engaged?  NO!  Yippee!  But they do have a two bolt attraction.  They have just finished their sophomore final, and are now juniors in Uni.

Family - Raise 20 Puppies or Kittens
Ketrina is a Family Sim with a wish ASimWen is glad she will not be playing, at least not in any time soon.  Ketrina's family tree:

Same as Yazibell's, of course.  Mother is Jenn (Robbins) McClelland, grandpa is Zaed Robbins.  Father is Regis McClelland, and grandpa is Uni Llama Johnson McClelleand.

Knowledge - Become World Class Ballet Dancer
Royce is one of 10 kids that his parents Bulldog Strickland and Madelyn (Capehart) spawned.

Bulldog is the son of ASimWen's favorite Sim couple ever - Kirstee and Chevy Strickland.  (Who also had 10 kids, by the way).  Royce's mother is Madelyn (Capehart) Strickland, daughter of Nichole Capehart and Uni student Conrad Todd.  (ASimWen doesn't even remember them).


ASimWen finally completed this lot inbetween multiple home repairs and other real life stuff. And..this lot so happens to be the LAST Uni lot!

Ketrina and Royce were blissfully happy which meant this made for uneventful play.  Here are some highlights::::

Ketrina spent time downtown with friends.  A couple of times.  It was good for shaking up her wishes.

She earned a gold badge in both robotics and flower arranging.

Same for Royce.  Should anyone in Prosperity Falls open an electronics store or flower shop, there is a a large group of townies now fresh out of University who can help out.

Almost lost Royce at one point!  Lightening struck the flower arranging table, and the blaze just kept getting bigger and bigger.   Ketrina was out of her head with worry and excitement and found it difficult to take time to call the fire department.  But she finally managed, and saved the day.

Due to Ketrina's skill in robotics, this Sentry Bot she made caught a ner'do well stealing the invisible newspaper.

This two year period of University was played mostly on 2 - 3 speed.  In no time, graduation day arrived!  Woohoo!

Lookin' good Ketrina....

And you too Royce!

And so...this finishes up putting 27 Sims through University.  Ketrina and Royce will join the many other Uni grads in Towniedom.   They were played through without the use of hacks to cut the term short...ect.  In game controls only used to speed up time.

And now then, on to the town of Prosperity Falls.  It has been cleaned up, lots moved around, stores added and things made pretty.  A cemetery has been added in the event some graves get moved off home lots.  Hopefully many of the bugs and game burps that plaqued it when game play stopped a few years ago have gone away with the advent of gameplay through Origin.

Enjoy life, enjoy playing, and don't take anything too seriously.  Life is too short.

Keep on Simmin!  But ONLY after family time!



  1. Wow, good to see you back. Nice to see some familiar names in university. Hope all is well with the hood and get to see some more familiar faces too.

    1. Thank you for coming over to read. I appreciate it and so do the citizens of the Falls! Playing the Bostic Homestead now. Will work to get close ups of everyone and throw in tidbits of the history of the family.

  2. What a great finish to all those Uni Sims! I've never seen the flower arranging table set on fire before! Love the 'firsts' after what? 14 years? :)
    Looking forward to getting back to 'town' and seeing the upgraded Falls.

    1. IKR?? There seemed to be a lot of fire accidents in this round. It made me wonder if there was a difference between playing off discs like I did all those years, and playing through Origin. Also the satellite death. That used to be so hard to get...

  3. A great run through a bunch of university. I do kind of like the idea of having townies who have run through university before. It's going to make for some interesting reads I think. :)
